By Alice Fang, Summer 2019 NSF REU One of the last projects I was tasked with this summer was creating a how-to video for the site. Before I could continue working on the video however, we had to reorganize/restructure the navigational hamburger menu. The original layout of the menu was a little confusing– the site has a few different entry points to find and search macroinvertebrates: insect orders, an alphabetical taxa list, a poster-like display of the collection, and a phylum search tool. The original layout didn’t group tools or pages based on similarity, and instead had a long list of different elements (ie. “Resources”, “Glossary”, “Help”, “Project Blog”, “About”...). To simplify the amount of elements visible, I grouped pages under the headers “Navigational Views”, “Resources” and “About”, and just played around with different groupings. Later on, I changed the headings to include a “Help” page, and listed the project blog link and about page separately. Dividing the navigational views from the other pages also helped separate their different functions. Although this was a relatively small task, it really showed me how difficult it is to create organizational titles for a digital archival system; there wasn’t really a print equivalent, and Marti and I flipped through numerous existing field guides to see the language that was used in order to try and find relatable terms.
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June 2023